Welcome back everyone from PAC!

Dear Parents. 

Welcome to our first post on Naul National School new website!  
Well done to everyone who has made the return to school as smooth as possible considering the current restrictions. We are all working together to make the school as safe as possible for one another. 
The Parent Association Committee is the structure through which parents/guardians in a school work together for the best possible education for their children. Our role is to represent all the parents & to work in collaboration with Ms McMahon, the teachers, and the Board of Management for the good of the school. 
Each September we hold our Annual General Meeting. In the next while we will be electing parent class representatives for each class. We are here to help and support you in whatever way we can! 
Every parent is by default a member of the Parents Association Committee.  
Over the next couple of weeks we will send information on fundraising ideas, our AGM details, and upcoming projects. We are always looking for new parents to join our working committee. 
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support to date. We look forward to hearing from you with any ideas and suggestions you might have around school events, activities, fundraising ideas or parent talks.
Many thanks and stay safe. 
Parents Association Committee.