Road Safety at Naul National School

We have a set down car park for parents to use to drop and collect. It makes sense that those collecting younger children use this area while those with older children park further away from the school. Please move away as soon as your child has been dropped/collected as this is a set down area only.

We are currently working on improving road safety near the school. We are working with Naul Road Safety Group to highlight the dangers around our school. Cllr Bowland brought up this issue at a meeting with Fingal County Council on 09/09/2020. He has requested upgrading the footpath going from the school and also upgrading the R108. Joe Rogers slows down traffic in the mornings to prevent accidents.

Please use the area as set down only. Parents do not need to get out of the car as there are school staff at the gate guiding children. 

Walk Safely – stay bright both day and night
​Be Safe Be Seen with Hi Glow Silver. Click here to learn more about staying safe when walking on the road.

Test how Roadwise you are by playing this 3M Roadwise computer game.

Test your road safety knowledge by taking our road safety quiz.

Going To School booklet by RSA, A parents guide to getting children to school safely.

Road Safety still a concern as three children die on our roads this year
RSA and ESB Networks encourage parents and teachers to put road safety on the ‘Back to School’ checklist and make school gateway safety a priority

The Road Safety Authority (RSA) and ESB Networks urge parents, guardians and teachers to make road safety a priority and put in place a school gateway safety policy to ensure the safety of all children.

Three children aged 14 and under have died in the first eight months of the year on Irish roads. In 2014, 13 children lost their lives, so while the number of child casualties so far this year has reduced significantly, one young life lost is too many. Of the children who died on our roads this year, two were pedestrians, and one was a car passenger. Between 2010 -2014, there have been 36 fatalities of children aged 14 years and under.

RSA and ESB Networks have teamed up to distribute 85,500 high visibility vests FREE to every child starting school this year. Schools can now register online for the RSA’s ‘Back to School’ road safety packs which will be sent to primary schools nationwide over the coming months.
As part of their ongoing Safety program, ESB Networks will engage children in road and electrical safety through creating lesson plans and interactive games and competitions to be included on the Curriculum for Junior Schools.

This year, the RSA is encouraging parents to exercise caution when dropping their children off at the school gateway, which is a high risk area for children. School gateways can be highly congested, and it can be difficult for drivers to see children winding through the traffic. Many schools can’t cater for high volumes of traffic and with hundreds of children walking through the school gates every morning, it can be quite dangerous.